Monday, August 22, 2016

40 and Fab

Holy cow I am 40! Okay, I turned 40 in May, but still. I am back to doing tings that bring me joy and bring happiness. Like what you say? Wearing fabulous clothes, lipstick and ridiculous eyeliner. This photo was taken at a local museum that had a showing of "The Birds", my friend Amanda went with me. We have been trying to get out more and take of the mom hat for a bit. You know, we all need to do that once in awhile.
Other things I have been doing are drawing more, reading more, and hosting workshops for teens. It had been fun. Lots of podcasts fill my days and nights.



  1. The Moth
  2. Catholic Stuff You Should Know
  3. This American Life
  4. Serial
  5. Strangers
  6. True Story
  7. RadioLab
  8. StoryCorps
  9. Latino USA
  10. Hardcore History 


  1. Crossing Over: A Mexican Family On The Migrant Trail
  2. Tattoos On The Heart
  3. My Badass Book Of Saints
  4. Book of Saints


  1. Dress by Torrid




Wild Horses

For My Wild Girl I do not mourn for your death You have not left this earth You are still here for me to see For me to love...