Today I got to go to the art walk/zine fest in Redlands. In the past I have been to the zine fest, but not the art walk, this year they were in the same area. The vendors, artists, and makers were a plenty and some were making art and zines as people walked through. There were families, couples, young people, teens of all ages roaming Downtown Redlands on a warm October day. There were people with dogs strolling holding cups of what I assume is coffee, and people milling in and out of the local shops that were open for business.
I milled through a three level antique store and kept seeing things I wanted to take home with me. There were a few typewriter, record players, and so many office supplies whispering to me that they needed me to to take them home. There so many small childrens records full of nature and folk songs smiling at me, so colorful and kept near perfect, next to them was a case with beautiful old fountain pens, wax stamp, and ink bottles. Oh, how they looked at me so lovingly. Then there were the hats beckoning to sit atop my head and be kin to my hats at home. I left only spending about $2.50 on a vintage childrens record of nature songs, however I promised to return and gaze lovingly at everything again..
Today's dress is vintage, handmade probably late 1960's early 1970's....a Goodwill fins that only cost me $1 a few months ago.