There is so much I could tell you about this young man. He was the first child I was able to carry to term, and for awhile I thought he would be my only natural child. When he was put into my arm, I swore off baby talking. I read him books everyday, sang him songs, and recited poetry to him. We listened to music of just about every genre from every age I could get my hands on to. I took him on walks, runs, to libraries, on city buses, and to see many people.
We have visited museums and parks. We have visited doctors and hospitals for both physical and mental health problems. We have gone through the process of IEP's, assessments, and diagnosis'...and nothing has stopped my heart from loving him. When he graduated high school at the age of 17, my mind flashed back to this little verbose kid who would tell everyone he met everything he knew about JFK, dinosaurs, and the space race. He talked politics, philosophy, and religion with an elderly neighbor. He is not that little kid anymore, and his topics of interest have changed a bit. He will give us talks on how geography has changed due to war and migration and how that relates to a country's flag.
I wish and hope the best for this guy and he starts his journey with the California Conservation Corps. tomorrow.
If you ever see this....know I am very proud of the young man you have become. I am very proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone. You are stronger than you know. Life is an adventure and I will follow your trail from a distance. I just want you to be happy and enjoy life in a way you may not yet know exists.
The happiness of man on earth, my children, is to be very good; those who are very good bless the good God, they love Him, they glorify Him, and do all their works with joy and love, because they know that we are in this world for no other end than to serve and love the good God. - St. Jean Marie Baptiste Vianney, the Cure of Ars
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